Friday, February 27, 2015

Site-to-site VPN – kontorid üheskoos

Site-to-site VPN – kontorid üheskoos

Site-to-site VPN – kontorid üheskoos
Omades kahte vi enamat kontorit, vib Site-to-Site VPN avada palju uusi vimalusi. Sisuliselt thendab see, et kahe kontori sisevrk hendadakse heks ning seadmed saavad omavahel suhelda, nagu nad oleksid krvaltoas vi isegi krvallauas. Niteks tuseb kasu jrgmistest vrgulahendustest.
Failiserver: Sisevrgus oleva failiserveri kasutamise suureks eeliseks on mugavus. Server on lihtsalt leitav kohtvrgust ja faile ei tule enne t alustamist alla laadida ega lpetamisel les laadida. T on vimalik teha otse failiserverisse. Kasutades vlist failiserverit sellist mugavust ei ole ja henduse tekitamiseks on enamasti vaja FTP klienti. Selle kliendi tarkvara installeerimine ja kasutamine on ebamugav ning paljudele kasutajatele raske. VPN-iga hendatud kontorites on aga failiserver sisevrgus sama lihtsalt kttesaadav kigile olenemata asukohast.
IP-telefonid: VPNiga on vimalik luua turvaline phi IP-telefonide andmesideks. Kontoritevahelised kned toimuksin le IP-vrgu ning knede eest ei tule midagi maksta. Lisaks pole tarvis igasse kontroisse eraldi telefonikeskjaama. Piisab hest kesksest jaamast, mis le VPN-vrgu kiki IP-telefone juhib. Nii hoiab kokku seadmete ostukulude pealt kui ka hoolduse ja haldamise kuludelt.
Terminalserver: Tnu terminallahenduste mugavusele ja kergelt hallatavusele on terminalid saamas ha populaarsemaks keskmistes ja suuremates firmades ning ka riigiettevtetes. Kui varem pidi igas kontoris olema terminalserver, siis nd tnu VPNile piisab kesksest serverist kikide klientide teenindamiseks. Alternatiivina VPNile on muidugi vimalik ka avalikule vrgule serveri nhtavaks tegemine (vastavate portide avamine) ning terminaliga ilma VPNita serverisse hendada, kuid turvalisuse kaalutlustel seda ei soovitata.






















VpnTraffic- Vabasta oma Internet piirangutest,Ligips Skype -i,VOIP,TV kanalid ning video lekanded nagu Hulu,Netflix,BBC IPlayer. Liigu vabalt asukohast asukohta-based blocks! 40+ Eineva Riigi VPN serverid le maailma. Toetab pptp ning l2tp/ipsec protokolli

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


High Speed
All country server

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.

• Only$1.99

• High Speed
• All country server

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Win7 PPTP VPN error 619

Win7 PPTP VPN error 619

Win7 PPTP VPN error 619
Nem tudom, belefutott-e valaki a kvetkező problmba:
32 bites Win7 all akarok pptp-zni. Egy darabig megy is, majd teljesen random időkznknt (nha mr a csatlakozsnl, nha 1 nap utn) egyszer csak belehny egy ICMP protocol 47 unreachable zenetet a win. WinXP alatt semmi gond.
A neten keresglve rengetegen tapasztaltak hasonlt, ISA 2003, 2008, TMG 2010, linuxos s ciscos vgződssel is. Sajnos az ott szereplő megoldsok egyike sem jtszik (nincs se wireless, se nat, tűzfal nem tiltja a GRE-t, stb.). Ezrt is gondoltam, hogy rkrdezek itt, htha. Nekem mr nincs tletem. Szerintem Win7 IP-stack bug, ltezhet workaround?
Megolds: a kliens s a szerver kz be kell kelni egy tűzfalat, ami letiltja a Win7-ről jvő ICMP unreachable csomagokat. Mivel ezeket a bugos win7 ip-stack kldi, nem a gre rtelemező, a csatorna lő marad.
Olyan virtulis szmtgpes hlzat, amely publikus kommunikcis csatornk s eszkzk segtsgvel valsul meg, de az azokon zajl esetleges egyb forgalomtl elklnlő, msok szmra nem hozzfrhető egysget kpez.

1. Bngszsi korltozsok feloldsa (gmail, facebook, myspace)

2. Internet korltozsok feloldsa (torrent, voip, WoW)

3. Minden csatlakozsnl sajt, fix vagy vletlenszerű IP

4. Biztonsgos csatlakozs WiFi/Hotspot felhasznlknak

5. Beptett, szemlyre szabhat tűzfal

6. Gigabit BIX hlzati csatlakozs

7. Adatforgalmi s sebessg korltozs nlkl

Szksge van r, hogy elrhetőv tegye az sszes weboldalt, belertve a Facebookot, Twittert, s mg sok mst?

Megszeretn vltoztatni az IP cmt?

Szeretn hasznlni a BBC iPlayert brhonnan a vilgon?

Szeretn hasznlni a Netflixet az Egyeslt llamokon kvl?

A VpnTraffic Androidos funkcii:

-1 gombnyomssal csatlakozhat a vpn szervernkhz, ingyenes telepts.

-Elmenthető felhasznlnv s jelsz, csak a szerver helyt kell kivllasztani a csatlakozshoz.

-Nincs svszlessg korltozs.

-Titkostja az internetes forgalmat.

-Feloldja az llami s vllalati korltozsokat, kikerli a helyszn-alap korltozsokat.

-Korltlan vlts a VPN szerverek kztt. (35 + orszgban szerte a vilgon)

-Tmogatja a pptp-t s a l2tp/ipsec-et.

-Műkdik a wifi-vel, 3G-vel, GSM-mel, s az sszes mobil adathordozval.

VPN szerverek brhol a vilgon:

- Eurpa: egyeslt Kirlysg, Franciaorszg, Nmetorszg, Svdorszg, Oroszorszg, Spanyolorszg, Svjc, Olaszorszg, Hollandia, Norvgia, Dnia, Belgium, Csehorszg, Lengyelorszg, Romnia

- Amerika: Ameriaki Egyeslt llamok, Kanada, Mexik, Kolumbia, Argentna, Brazlia

- zsia: Kna,India,Japn,Egyeslt Arab Emirtus, Malaysia, Singapr, Korea, Trkorszg, Indonzia, Thaifld, Flp-szigetek, Hong Kong, Vietnm, Izrael, Szaud-Arbia, Kuwait

- Egyb: Ausztrlia

Amit ajnlunk


Szmtgpt hozzrendeljk j IP cmre a kvetkező orszgokbl: USA,Egyeslt Kirlysg, Kanada, Nmetorszg, Hollandia, rorszg,Szingapr, Romnia, Svjc, Malajzia, Oroszorszg s Svdorszg. rjajra a tűzfal szablyokat, vegye t az irnytst a hlzat felett.


Kap egy BIZTONSGOS s TITKOSTOTT kapcsolatot a szmtgp s a Internet kztt. Előzze meg a helyi Internet szolgltat kmkedst s Internet forgalmnak korltozst.


A VPN szolgltats egy egyszerű s nagyon hatkony mdja, hogy szemlyes adataink biztonsgban maradjanak az Internet hasznlatnl.A VPN egy rteg biztonsgot s anonimitst biztost.


Kompatibilis a Skype s egyb VOIP szoftverrel. Kompatibilis a Windows, Linux, Mac, iPod, iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows Mobile opercis rendszerekkel.

Vpn Traffic - blokkolt weboldalak feloldsa,Skype elrs,VOIP,TV csatornk s videomegosztk mint Hulu,Netflix,BBC iPlayer hasznlata. Orszg alap blokkolsok feloldsa! 40+ VPN szerver vilgszerte. pptp s l2tp/ipsec tmogats.

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


High Speed
All country server

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.

• Only$1.99

• High Speed
• All country server

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Tunnel/VPN - Kan ikke få adgang til delt Mappe

Tunnel/VPN - Kan ikke få adgang til delt Mappe

Tunnel/VPN - Kan ikke få adgang til delt Mappe
Jeg har sat et VPN op og dette kalder udemrket op og fr forbindelse, men jeg kan ikke se den mappe, som er delt med Skrive/lse-rettigheder p min NAS Synology DS412+. Jeg kalder op med det brugernavn, som skal have tilgang til mappen... I frste omgang benytter jeg PAP, men dette ndres senere, nr PAP-opkaldet er funktionel.
Jeg kan se at forbindelsen ingen netvrksrettigheder har umiddelbart. Jeg har sat Portforwarding op til 17xx og ogs prvet med port 5000 p routeren. Kan det evt. skyldes at jeg sortere p MAC-adresser ogs i routeren og kommer udefra, omend de to maskiner jeg har testet med (1 stk WIN7 PRO og WinXP) begge melder denne fejl.... Begge maskiner er dog oprettet med MAC-adresse p det lokale netvrk.

Dansk TV i Thailand
Nogen der har erfaring med en stabil, og billig VPN server,. med DK IP,.. ?
sidste r var jeg s heldig at kunne bruge en bekendts slingbox,
den mulighed har jeg desvrre ikke i r,
:6: ... ja,.. ved godt det lyder skrt, men synes det er rart
at kunne flge lidt med i den seneste udvikling,.. ogs p ferien.
Har luret lidt p denne,.. men har af gode grunde ikke mulighed for at afprve den pt.

Vpn trafik til Android features
- 1 klik forbindelse til vores vpn server, gratis setup!
- Gem brugernavn/password vlg blot server at tilslutte til
- Ingen begrnset bndbredde
- internettet blir automatisk krypteret
- opls alle restriktioner fra offentlige og forretnings substanser.
- undg geografisk blokering af ip adresse
- vlg mellem 35+ servere rundt om i verden
- support af pptp og I2p/ipsec
- virker med wifi, 3G, GSM og alle mobildata udbydere
VPN Servere Worldwide :

- Europa : UK, Frankrig, Tyskland, Sverige, Rusland, Spanien, Schweitz, Italien, Holland, Norge, Danmark, Belgien, Tjekkoslovakiet,Polen og Rumnien
- Amerika : USA, Kanada, Mexico, Kolumbien, Argentina og Brasilien
- Asien : Kina, Indien, Japan, De arabiske Emirater, Malaysia, Singapore, Korea, Tyrkiet, Indonesien, Thailand, Philipinerne, Hong Kong,Vietnam, Israel, Saudi Arabien, og Kuwait.
- Andre : Australien
VPN er ikke kun til Android brug men bruges ogs til at sikre bde Pc og Mac

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


High Speed
All country server

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.

• Only$1.99

• High Speed
• All country server

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

VPN per Hulu - Guardate Hulu con i servizi VPN dovunque

VPN per Hulu - Guardate Hulu con i servizi VPN dovunque

VPN per Hulu - Guardate Hulu con i servizi VPN dovunque
Attivate VPN e guardate con Hulu i vostri spettacoli TV sicuri ed anonimi dovunque e senza restrizioni.
VpnTraffic - All in one-tap vpn , libera la tua Internet, aggira i blocchi legati al tuo paese!Scegli un server a cui connetterti tra 35+ paesi nel mondo. Supporta pptp e l2tp/ipsec.

Vuoi accedere a tutti i siti, incluso Facebook, Twitter e altri?
Vuoi navigare con un diverso indirizzo IP?
Vuoi guardare la RAI o SkyGO da qualunque parte nel mondo?

Le caratteristiche di VpnTraffic per Android:
- Connessione "1 tap" al nostro server vpn, setup gratuito!
- Salva username/passwords, devi solo scegliere il server a cui connetterti
- Nessuna limitazione di banda
- Il tuo traffico internet viene criptato
- Aggira blocchi governativi, restrizioni aziendali e quelle legate al paese di accesso
- Cambio di server VPN senza limitazioni (35+ paesi nel mondo)
- Supporta pptp e l2tp/ipsec
- Funziona con wifi, 3G, GSM e tutti gli operatori

Server VPN disponibili nel mondo:

- Europa:UK, Francia, Germania, Svezia,Russia,Spagna,Svizzera,Italia,Olanda,Norvegia,Danimarca,Belgio,Rep Ceca, Polonia,Romania
- America: USA,Canada,Messico,Columbia, Argentina,Brasile
- Asia: Cina,India,Giappone, Emirati Arabi,Malesia,Singapore, Corea del Sud,Turchia, Indonesia,Tailandia, Filippine, Hong Kong, Vietnam,Israele, Arabia Saudita,Kuwait
- Altri: Australia

Non solo per Android, VpnTraffic supporta altri sistemi operativi, usalo per il tuo PC o Mac.

Che cosa offriamo


Noi assegniamo al vostro computer un Nuovo indirizzo IP da USA,Inghilterra, Germania, Olanda, Irlanda, Singapore, Romania, Svizzera,Malesia, Russia e Svezia. Ridefinisci le regole del tuo firewall,prendi il controllo della tua rete.


Utilizza una connessione SICURA e CIFRATA fra il tuo computer e ilresto della rete Internet. Impedisci a ISP locali di spiarti e dicontrollare la velocit del tuo traffico dati.


I nostri servizi VPN sono un metodo semplice e efficace di aggiungere un ragionevole livello di privacy e sicurezza alla vostra connessione internet. Aggiungonuo un livello di SICUREZZA e ANONIMATO.


Compatibile con Skype e altri software VOIP. Compatibile con Windows,Linux, MAC, iPod, iPhone, Android e Windows Mobile.

※핑 테스트 결과 확인시 time 또는 시간 값이 가장 낮은 서버가 빠른 서버입니다.

vpntraffic - sblocca internet, accesso a skype, voip, canali e streaming come hulu, ecc. Evita i blocchi locali! Server vpn localizzati in tutto il mondo. Supporta pptp e l2tp/ipsec

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


High Speed
All country server

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.

• Only$1.99

• High Speed
• All country server

Monday, February 23, 2015

How can i setup waselpro VPN program on my iphone to use viber?

How can i setup waselpro VPN program on my iphone to use viber?

How can i setup waselpro VPN program on my iphone to use viber?
The waselpro is being spammed in the last week by multiple spammers and is a scam service. But you already know this as you are one of the spammers asking questions that you can answer with great reviews for your scam vpn service

VPNs meaningVirtual Private Networks, can encrypt and tunnel all Internet traffic to your machine. The iPad VPN supporting the L2TP, PPTP, or Cisco IPSec VPN protocols, can help you access private information through public network securely.
To use VPN on iPad, you need to configure VPN first. Here is the tip on how to setup.
Configure VPN
Tap Settings > General > Network > VPN > Add VPN Configuration. Then use the VPN settings for your device.

Open the Settings application

Click on General

Click on Network

Click on VPN

Click on Add VPN Configuration

Select PPTP

In the Description field, enter vpntraffic

In the Server field, enter your supplied server (for

In the Account field, enter your supplied username

In the Password field, enter your supplied password

Ensure that Send All Traffic is set to ON

Ensure that Encryption is set to Auto

Click Save

Press the Home button

Open the Settings application

Click on VPN

Click on vpntraffic

Set VPN to ON

Turn VPN on or off
If you have created aVPN configuration, you would find the option to turn VPN on or off in the Settings.
First disable Wi-Fi on iPad, then start VPN in the settings. Wait until it finishes connecting and the status bar would has the VPN icon.
Note: iPad will drop VPN whenever changing the networks.

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


High Speed
All country server

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.

• Only$1.99

• High Speed
• All country server

Saturday, February 21, 2015

VPN sur Mac

VPN sur Mac

VPN sur Mac
Donc avant tout votre site est vraiment super.
J'aimerai savoir si il est possible de configurer vos serveurs sur un ordinateur MAC via l'utilitaire rseau VPN intgr Mac.
J'ai russi l'installer et le faire fonctionner par l'intermdiaire de tunnelblick.
Mais je trouverai mieux de passer intgralement par les outils que me propose mon Mac que par un autre logiciel.
Merci de m'aider si vous connaissez la solution.L'adresse IP est la premire information que l'on divulgue chaque accs Internet et elle dvoile notre pays de connexion et notre fournisseur d'accs. Les sites et services web s'en servent notamment pour limiter l'accs certaines offres en ligne comme l'utilisation du service Google Music ou l'accs des vidos de Replay sur les chaines de rattrapage des chaines franaises, anglaises ou amricaines.
Ainsi, si vous tes un franais en voyage l'tranger dsireux de regarder un programme TV sur Pluzz, vous risquez de rencontrer un message d'erreur. Mme punition si vous cherchez regarder les JO sur une chaine anglaise comme la BBC. Il vous faudra utiliser un proxy.
Uneadresse IP(Internet Protocol) est un numro didentification qui est attribu chaque appareil connect unrseau informatiqueutilisant lInternet Protocol. Celle-ci contient la localisation prcise de linternaute (pays et ville de rsidence) ainsi que le nom du FAI (fournisseur daccs internet).
Ainsi vous pouvez facilement tre traqus ougolocaliss. Certains sites qui ne disposent pas des droits pour une diffusion internationale se servent de ce numro pour autoriser ou bloquer laccs de certains utilisateurs. Ces sites sappellent des sitesgo-bloqus.
Les sites franais qui proposent des contenus soumis des droits, ont galement recours ce type de blocage. Pour y accder, vous devez bnficier dune IP franaise. Ainsi, les expatris, les voyageurs, ou les trangers ne sont pas en mesure de naviguer sur ces sites.

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


High Speed
All country server

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.

• Only$1.99

• High Speed
• All country server

Friday, February 20, 2015

Blackberry 8330 Curve + VPN Cisco

Blackberry 8330 Curve + VPN Cisco

Blackberry 8330 Curve + VPN Cisco
Hi everybody,
I have two questions.
1- Is it possible to have a Cisco VPN on a BlackBerry Curve 8330 to synchronize Outlook 2003 of our company?
2- What is the procedure to synchronize the BlackBerry to outlook 2003?
I do not have the blackberry in hand (we are in Quebec), it's a person from Alberta who has. Personally, I do not know the technology of blackberry. I never had a blackberry in hand.

Thisblackberry vpn tutorial can be used for all Blackberry OS 4 5 6 7
Gateway Type : Cisco Secure PIX Firewall VPN
Group name=ipsec
Group password=ipsec
Username=your vpn account
User Password=your vpn password

Save passphrase: click

Enable extended authentication:click

Dynamically determine DNS:click
IKE DH Group : Group2
IKE cipher: AES(256)
IKE hash : HMAC SHA1(160)
Prefer Forward Secrecy:Dont click
IPSec cryto and hash suit : AES256-SHA1
use hard token:Dont click

What is a VPN?

VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) were first used by companies to enable their employees to securely access internal systems such as email remotely (e.g. from home or while on business trips). Today they are increasingly being used for personal use by individuals to protect their privacy while online in public places (e.g. when using the wi-fi connection in a cafe) or in a country where the internet is censored / blocked (e.g. China, Saudi Arabia).

Why do I need a VPN?

Whether youre an expat living in a foreign country where the internet is heavily regulated, a mobile user constantly on the road, or just someone concerned with maintaining their privacy online, having aVPNis becoming essential.

VpnTraffic-1 tap vpn for Android,35+ Countries servers.Fast and Stable!
VpnTraffic - Unblock your Internet, Bypass location-based blocks! Select a server location to connect to,40+ Countries VPN servers worldwide.Support pptp and l2tp/ipsec.
If you need Unblock all websites Including Facebook, Twitter, and more?
If you need Change your IP address?
If you need Watch BBC iPlayer from anywhere in the World?
If you need Watch Netflix Outside the US?
VpnTraffic features:
- 1 tap connect to our vpn server,Free setup!
- Save username/passwords,only need select a server location to connect to
- No bandwidth limitations
- Encrypts your internet traffic
- Unblock government and corporate restrictions,Bypass location-based blocks.
- Unlimited switches between VPN server locations (35+ Countries Around the world)
- Support pptp and l2tp/ipsec
- Works with wifi, 3G, GSM, and all mobile data carriers

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


High Speed
All country server

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.

• Only$1.99

• High Speed
• All country server

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Rome Total War играть онлайн!

Rome Total War играть онлайн!

Rome Total War играть онлайн!
Бесспорно, Rome Total War - клевая игра, но для игры по сети, для создания сервера, она требует использования прямого IP-адреса, временами доступного только через VPN. Кроме того, с выделенным ip вы сможете хостить игру, создавать свой сервер, приглашать других игроков.

Рано или поздно каждый из нас задумывается о безопасности и защите своих данных в сети Интернет. Если ваш IP адрес является адресом вашего провайдера,то ваш интернет трафик и информация не защищены и вы можете быть подвержены прослушиванию , мониторингу и контролю всей вашей интернет активности, хакерским атакам с целью кражи вашей личной информации, паролей к электронной почте, различным сервисам, т.е. ваша информация не защищена от утечки и воздействию вредоносных программ и недоброжелателей! Неужели все так плохо?! Выход есть - купить vpn. Если вы заботитесь о сохранности личной информации, ведете деловую переписку, желаете получить доступ к информации не доступной с IP адреса вашего провайдера (например форумы, блоги и т.д.), имеете ограниченный интернет на работе, играете в онлайн-игры и доступ с вашего IP адреса заблокирован и т.д., тогда VPN-сервис для Вас и Вы сможете купить vpn у нас по выгодной цене! Конечным вашим IP адресом будет IP адрес одного из серверов, а ваш IP адрес останется скрытым. Сервера принудительно зашифруют ваш интернет трафик на пути к cерверу, сделав ваше путешествие в сети Интернет защищенным и анонимным!!!

Сегодня мы хотели бы вам рассказать об интересном VPN сервисе vpntraffic.

Как вы давно уже знаете, многие Европейские сервера закрыли доступ к своим услугам из других стран! Как же быть? Как, например, пообщаться со своими родными и близкими, которые уехали за границу или просто заказать товар из Европейской страны? Да и вообще, если Вы хотите анонимно пользоваться Интернетом по какой-либо причине, что же делать?

Изучая проблему в Интернете, мы нашли замечательный сервис vpntraffic. Он привлек наше внимание из-за низкой стоимости и в тоже время, отличным набором услуг и стран, через которые есть возможность подключаться. 40 стран, основыне из которых US, UK, CA, Australia, Spain, France, Italy, Russia, HK, Japan в вашем распоряжении 24 часа в сутки. Сервис постоянно развивается и количество стран увеличивается с каждой неделей. Круглосуточная техническая поддержка поможет решить вам любую проблему и настроить соединие на свое компьютере.
Если вы пользуетесь подобной услугой впервые и хотели бы проверить, как это все работает есть замечательная возможность приобрести авторизацию только на три дня. Т.е. вы потратите совсем небольшие средства, но в тоже время восспользуетесь полным набором услуг данного сервиса и проверите его работоспособность.
Всем, кто столкнулся с закрытыми сайтами для других стран рекомендуем VPN сервис vpntraffic.

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


High Speed
All country server

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.

• Only$1.99

• High Speed
• All country server

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

How to setup a VPN server on windows azure

How to setup a VPN server on windows azure

How to setup a VPN server on windows azure
I just want to setup a VPN server on windows azure machine, I have tried RRAS on Windows 2008 R2 and pptpd on linux, cound cannot work, has anyone tried that before ?

What is a VPN?

VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) were first used by companies to enable their employees to securely access internal systems such as email remotely (e.g. from home or while on business trips). Today they are increasingly being used for personal use by individuals to protect their privacy while online in public places (e.g. when using the wi-fi connection in a cafe) or in a country where the internet is censored / blocked (e.g. China, Saudi Arabia).

Why do I need a VPN?

Whether youre an expat living in a foreign country where the internet is heavily regulated, a mobile user constantly on the road, or just someone concerned with maintaining their privacy online, having aVPNis becoming essential.

VpnTraffic-1 tap vpn for Android,35+ Countries servers.Fast and Stable!
VpnTraffic - Unblock your Internet, Bypass location-based blocks! Select a server location to connect to,40+ Countries VPN servers worldwide.Support pptp and l2tp/ipsec.
If you need Unblock all websites Including Facebook, Twitter, and more?
If you need Change your IP address?
If you need Watch BBC iPlayer from anywhere in the World?
If you need Watch Netflix Outside the US?
VpnTraffic features:
- 1 tap connect to our vpn server,Free setup!
- Save username/passwords,only need select a server location to connect to
- No bandwidth limitations
- Encrypts your internet traffic
- Unblock government and corporate restrictions,Bypass location-based blocks.
- Unlimited switches between VPN server locations (35+ Countries Around the world)
- Support pptp and l2tp/ipsec
- Works with wifi, 3G, GSM, and all mobile data carriers

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


High Speed
All country server

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.

• Only$1.99

• High Speed
• All country server

Monday, February 16, 2015

Internet free via VPN caído Perú

Internet free via VPN caído Perú

Internet free via VPN caído Perú
Para todos los vendedores se les cay el metodo via vpn....gente no les compren que les van a estafar el vpn ya no funca el perfil wap est ms protegido
Qu es un VPN?

VPN es un Virtual Private Network, o Red Privada Virtual. En lugar de hacer una conexin directa desde nuestra PC, al proveedor de servicios de internet, y luego a la web, lo que el VPN hace es actuar de intermediario, interceptando nuestro trfico. De esta manera, pues, podemos usar un VPN en USA y las pginas pensarn que estamos en USA.

Pero un VPN es ms que eso, por supuesto. Adems de permitirnos acceder a websites restringidas, protege nuestros datos, al encriptar la informacin que sale de nuestra PC a la web. Si estn en una red WiFi pblica, como en Starbucks, por ejemplo, cualquier informacin que est siendo transmitida en esta red puede ser interceptada. Al usar un VPN, evitamos que esto suceda.

VpnTraffic funciona?

Por supuesto que funciona muy bien, si deseas poder navegar con seguridad, sin limitaciones regionales, de manera anonima por la internet. Utilizando vpn traffic lo puedes hacer sin problema, la configuarion de la vpn no puede ser mas sencilla y el soporte tecnico es 7/24.
Con Vpntraffic tienes la libertad de montar un servidor en tu pais y que salga al mundo atraves de una ip en otro pais, esto le dara caracter global a tu negocio, o proyecto que deseas emprender, deseas contar con servicios de peliculas y series por internet en Estados Unidos, con vpntraffic lo puedes hacer, el contenido de canales. Como neflix,hulu; es limitado para paises latinoamericanos, otros como el servicio de renta de videos por amazon es imposible desde una ip en latinoamerica, con vpn traffic esto es superable.

Vpntraffic, cuenta con continuidad en el servicio y estabilidad en la coneccion al grado que navegaras como que estes conectado a un cable fisico. No existira diferencia, entra a un mundo de posibilidades, seguridad y sin limites regionales al fin el internet libre, como lo deseas, a costos muy por debajo del mercado con la misma calidad que otras.

Al utilizar un VPN no solo garantizas tu privacidad, y la seguridad de tu informacin, pues los beneficios de un VPN son muchos mas...

Asegura tus conexiones inalambricas fuera de tu casa u oficina.

Operacin totalmente transparente.

Tu gobierno restringe Internet? - Con un IP de USA se acabo la censura!

Te gusta comprar en linea? - Evita las restricciones de Pas al comprar en linea.

Obtn las mejores tarifas de Telefona por Internet utilizando un IP Americano.

Navega de manera totalmente annima, tu IP nunca sera expuesto.

A diferencia de un proxy, obtienes una conexin segura para cualquier aplicacin que use tu conexin a Internet, (ICQ, FTP, News)

Navega utilizando IPs de USA, Canad o Europa.

Encripta y anonimiza TODA tu navegacin.

Olvdate de las restricciones geogrficas!! Tendrs acceso libre a servicios como Hulu, Netflix, BBC, etc...

Sin restricciones de transferencia..

VpnTraffic 1-Click vpn para ,35+ pases distintos. Rpido y Estable!

VpnTraffic - Todo en Uno para Desbloquea tu Conexin a Internet, elimina los bloqueos regionales, Escoge un servidor entre los 35+ pases distintos alrededor del mundo. Soporta pptp y l2pt/ipsec.

necesitas desbloquear cualquier web, incluyendo Facebook, Twitter, etc?

necesitas cambiar tu direccin ip ?

necesitas ver el iPlayer de la BBC desde cualquier lugar del mundo?

necesitas ver Netflix sin estar en US?

VpnTraffic para caractersticas:

-Conectate a nuestro vpn server con 1 solo click, Programa gratuito!

-guarda tu nombre de usuario y contrasea, solo tienes que seleccionar el servidor al que conectarte

-sin limitaciones de ancho de banda

-cifra todo tu trafico de Internet

-desbloquea las restricciones del gobierno o corporativas, elimina los bloqueos regionales.

-cambios ilimitados entre los diferentes servidores VPN (35+ pases en todo el mundo)

-soporta pptp y l2tp/ipsec

-funciona con Wifi, 3G, GSM y todos los operadores de datos

Servidores VPN alrededor del mundo:

Europa:UK, Francia, Alemania, Suecia, Rusia, Espaa, Suiza, Italia,Holanda, Noruega, Dinamarca, Blgica, Repblica checa, Polonia,Rumana.

America:USA, Canad, Mxico, Colombia, Argentina, Brasil.

Asia:China, India, Japn, Emiratos rabes Unidos, Malasia, Singapur,Korea, Turqua, Indonesia, Tailandia, Filipinas, Hong Kong, Vietnam,Israel, Arabia Saud, Kuwait.


No incluye solo la apliaccion de android, VpnTraffic tambin soporta otros sistemas operativos, Protege tu PC o MAC

VPN Traffic - Desbloquea tu acceso a internet para acceder a mltiples servicios,Skype,VOIP,acceso a los contenidos de Hulu,Netflix,JSC Sport,BBC iPlayer. Con VPN Traffic tu ip sera de el pais que eligas en cada momento,podras elegir entre mas de 40 paises diferentes y podras acceder a todo el contenido mundial sin restricciones basadas en localizacin geogrfica. Soporta pptp y l2tp/ipsec.

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


High Speed
All country server

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.

• Only$1.99

• High Speed
• All country server

Saturday, February 14, 2015

VPN PPTP tilkobling til jobb

VPN PPTP tilkobling til jobb

VPN PPTP tilkobling til jobb
Har satt opp en VPN PPTP tilkobling til jobben.
Prver f meldt opp maskinen min i nettverket (domenet) men finner ikke domenekontroller.
Eneste mten jeg finner maskiner er sk etter datamaskiner p ipadressen, da kommer de frem som ukjent, men jeg kommer inn og fr sett p mapper etc nr jeg skriver inn et gyldig brukernavnpassord for nettverket der....
Hvorfor fr jeg ikke meldt meg inn i domenet?

VpnTraffic Unng begrensninger p internettbruk, bruk Skype,VOIP, TV-kanaler og streaming-tjenester som Hulu, Netflix og BBC
iPlayer. Unng lokasjonsbaserte begrensninger. VPN-servere fra 40+land verden rundt. Sttter pptp og l2tp/ipsec.

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


High Speed
All country server

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.

• Only$1.99

• High Speed
• All country server

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Comment changer son adresse IP (Internet Prototol)

Comment changer son adresse IP (Internet Prototol)

Comment changer son adresse IP (Internet Prototol)
Ladresse IP est une srie de chiffre permettant de vous identifier sur un rseau utilisant linternet Protocole. Les plus gros rseaux utilisant ces identifications est bien sr le WEB. Chaque appareil sans exceptions se connectant internet obtient une adresse IP. Cet identifiant la prsente de cette sorte : Cest grce cette srie de chiffres que lon peut savoir do viennent les personnes se connectant sur tel ou tels sites web. Si vous utiliser des sites de tlchargement cest galement ladresse IP qui permettra de vous localiser.
Pour connaitre votre adresse IP il y a pleins de site sur internet, il suffit de taper IP sur Google pour tomber sur des sites comme qui vous permettra vous permettra ce connaitre ladresse IP attribu par votre fournisseur. Il y a des fournisseurs comme free qui offre une adresse IP unique. Cest a dire quel ne change jamais. Alors que chez Bouygues tlcom par exemple elle change de temps en temps mais appartient Bouygues.L'adresse IP est la premire information que l'on divulgue chaque accs Internet et elle dvoile notre pays de connexion et notre fournisseur d'accs. Les sites et services web s'en servent notamment pour limiter l'accs certaines offres en ligne comme l'utilisation du service Google Music ou l'accs des vidos de Replay sur les chaines de rattrapage des chaines franaises, anglaises ou amricaines.
Ainsi, si vous tes un franais en voyage l'tranger dsireux de regarder un programme TV sur Pluzz, vous risquez de rencontrer un message d'erreur. Mme punition si vous cherchez regarder les JO sur une chaine anglaise comme la BBC. Il vous faudra utiliser un proxy.
Uneadresse IP(Internet Protocol) est un numro didentification qui est attribu chaque appareil connect unrseau informatiqueutilisant lInternet Protocol. Celle-ci contient la localisation prcise de linternaute (pays et ville de rsidence) ainsi que le nom du FAI (fournisseur daccs internet).
Ainsi vous pouvez facilement tre traqus ougolocaliss. Certains sites qui ne disposent pas des droits pour une diffusion internationale se servent de ce numro pour autoriser ou bloquer laccs de certains utilisateurs. Ces sites sappellent des sitesgo-bloqus.
Les sites franais qui proposent des contenus soumis des droits, ont galement recours ce type de blocage. Pour y accder, vous devez bnficier dune IP franaise. Ainsi, les expatris, les voyageurs, ou les trangers ne sont pas en mesure de naviguer sur ces sites.

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


High Speed
All country server

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.

• Only$1.99

• High Speed
• All country server

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

VPN/Proxy/whatever για αλλαγη ip σε αλλη χωρα

VPN/Proxy/whatever για αλλαγη ip σε αλλη χωρα

VPN/Proxy/whatever για αλλαγη ip σε αλλη χωρα GR geoblocked. .
ό ά ?
vpn ή proxy ί..

ύ Wikipedia:
A virtual private network (VPN) is a network that uses a public telecommunication infrastructure, such as the Internet, to provide remote offices or individual users with secure access to their organizations network. It aims to avoid an expensive system of owned or leased lines that can only be used by one organization. The goal of a VPN is to provide the organization with the same, secure capabilities, but at a much lower cost.
ώ Wikipedia ά ή ό ύ VPN, ύ ή ό ί ό ά ή έ VPN ί ά ώ, IP ά ί ό ί ώ ί έ ό ύ ί έ ό ά ώ.
ά ά ή έ VPN ί ί ή, ό έ ό sites ό Hulu Pandora. ί ά ISP έ ί έ sites ί ί ό ό.

VpnTraffic- ί ί , Servers 35ώ. ή ί!
VpnTraffic - Ό ί ί vpn Android, ά internet , ά ά ά ί! έ ί server ί 35+ ώ. VPN servers ί. ή pptp 12tp/ipsec.
έ ώ ό websites ό ά
έ ά IP ύ ?
έ ί ή BBC iPlayer ό ή ό ?
έ ή NetFix ό ?

VpnTraffic έ :
- ύ vpn server 1 ί, ά setup!
- ύ ό ή password , ό ά ί έ ί server ί
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- ό έ ύ ώ VPN servers ( 35+ ώ ί)
- ή pptp 12tp/ipsec.
- ί wifi, 3G, GSM ό ό ή ί.

VPN servers ί:
- ώ: έ ί, ί, ί, ί, ί, ί, ί, ί, ί, ί, έ, ί, ί, ί.
- ή: , ά, ό, ί, ή, ί
- ί: ί, ί, ί, έ ά ά, ί, ύ, έ, ί, ί, ά, ί ό ό, ά, ή, ή ί, έ
- Ά ώ: ί

ί ό ό Android ά ά ή, ί PC ή Mac .

ύ IP ά ώ.VpnTraffic - ώ Internet , ή Skype, VOIP, ά TV streaming video ό Hulu, Netflix, BBC iPlayer. ά ύ ό ί! 40+ ώ VPN έ ί. ή pptp l2tp/ipsec.

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


High Speed
All country server

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.

• Only$1.99

• High Speed
• All country server

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

IPhone PPTP VPN - GRE Protokoll Probleme

IPhone PPTP VPN - GRE Protokoll Probleme

IPhone PPTP VPN - GRE Protokoll Probleme
Habe sehr oft Probleme mit der PPTP-VPN Verbindung bei meinem iPhone 3G (T-Mobile als Provider). Server-seitig (Win2003 server) erhalte ich folgende Fehlermeldung:
Es wurde eine Verbindung zwischen dem VPN-Server und dem VPN-Client xxxxx initiiert, aber die VPN-Verbindung konnte nicht hergestellt werden. Der wahrscheinlichste Ursache dafr ist, dass der Firewall bzw. der Router zwischen dem VPN-Server und dem VPN-Client nicht so konfiguriert ist, dass GRE-Pakete (Generic Routing Encapsulation) zugelassen sind (Protokoll 47). Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Firewalls bzw. Router zwischen dem VPN-Server und dem Internet GRE-Pakete zulassen. Stellen Sie ebenfalls sicher, dass die Firewalls bzw. Router im Netzwerk des Benutzers auch so konfiguriert sind, dass GRE-Pakete zugelassen sind. Wenn das Problem weiterhin besteht, sollte der Benutzer sich an den Internetdienstanbieter wenden, um zu ermitteln, ob der Internetdienstanbieter eventuell GRE-Pakete blockt.
GRE Protokoll ist natrlich bei meiner Firewall nicht blockiert.
Bei eingeschaltetem WLAN beim iPhone funktioniert das VPN tadellos. Irgendwer eine Idee sonst schreib ich mal der t-mobile hotline.
VpnTraffic - All in one vpn , Verschlsseln sie ihre Internet-IP! Whlen Sie einen Server-Standort aus, VPN Server aus 35 + Lnder weltweit. Untersttzt PPTP und L2TP/IPsec Verbindungen.

Wenn Sie die Entsperrung aller Websites wie Facebook, Twitter und mehr brauchen?

Wenn Sie Ihre IP-Adresse ndern wollen?

Wenn Sie BBC iPlayer von berall auf der Welt sehen mchten?

Wenn Sie Netflix Auerhalb der USA beobachten wollen?

Anonym im Internet?

VpnTraffic fr Features:

- 1 Anwendung um auf unsere VPN-Server zu verbinden, gratis Installation!

- Speichern Sie Username / Passwort, sie brauchen nur einen Server auswhlen um zu verbinden

- Keine Bandbreitenbeschrnkungen

- Verschlsselt Ihren Internet-Verkehr

- Entsperren sie Staatsverschlsselungen.

- Wechseln sie unbegrenzt zwischen den VPN Server (35 + Lnder auf der ganzen Welt)

- Untersttzt PPTP und L2TP

- Arbeitet mit Wi-Fi, 3G, GSM, und alle mobilen Datentrgern

VPN-Server auf der Welt:

- Europa: UK, Frankreich, Deutschland, Schweden, Russland, Spanien, Schweiz, Italien, Niederlande, Norwegen, Dnemark, Belgien, Tschechien, Polen, Rumnien

- Amerika: USA, Kanada, Mexiko, Kolumbien, Argentinien, Brasilien

- Asien: China, Indien, Japan, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate, Malaysia, Singapur, Korea, Trkei, Indonesien, Thailand, Philippinen, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Israel, Saudi-Arabien, Kuwait

- Sonstige: Australien

Nicht nur fr Android App, VpnTraffic untersttzt auch anderer Betriebsysteme. Sichern Sie VpnTraffic fr ihren PC oder MAC.

Wenn Sie Ihre IP-Adresse ndern wollen. VpnTraffic - Unblock Ihre Internet-, Access Skype, VOIP, TV und Streaming-Videos wie Hulu, Netflix, BBC iPlayer. Blcken! 40 + Lnder VPN-Server worldwide. Voll Support PPTP und L2TP/IPsec.

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


High Speed
All country server

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.

• Only$1.99

• High Speed
• All country server